1. Eat right away.
Sleepdeprivation can mess with your hunger signals in a number of ways:
It can makeyou feel hungrier all day, and it can make it harder to keep cravings in checkif you indulge in a little bit of junk food.
Stay awayfrom the candy and start your day with a healthy breakfast to keep the goodvibes going all day.
Eatingsomething with protein will help keep you energized throughout the day, saysregistered dietician Megan Faletra.
2. Go out inthe sun.
Bright lighthelps wake you up, says Cathy Goldstein, M.D., a neurologist at MichiganMedicine’s Sleep Disorders Center.
So try to getoutside and turn on as many lights as you can — don’t cower in your room underyour phone’s glow even if you feel groggy.
3. Getmoving.
Exercisemight be the last thing you want to do when you’re short on rest, but even justa few stretches or jumping jacks can help get you going, says CourtneyBancroft, Psy.D., a licensed clinical health psychologist specializing ininsomnia and sleep wellness.
One caveat:Some trainers say they don’t like it when their clients train on a poor night’ssleep, so your best bet here is light exercise — nothing too strenuous, please!
4. Do somedeep breathing.
Breathingexercises can wake you up in a way similar to exercise, says Bancroft.
Try stickingyour tongue out and panting for 30 seconds, breathing in deeply, and repeating.
Or tryalternate nostril breathing: Cover your right nostril with your thumb andbreath in through your left nostril for four to eight seconds; cover the leftwith your pinkie and exhale out of your right for the same amount of time. Thenbreathe in on the right side, covering the left. Keep alternating for oneminute.
5. Getchilly.
Heat can makeyou feel even sleepier.
Bancroftrecommends taking a cold shower, turning down your thermostat, or even justrunning your hands under cool water to keep alert.
6. Drink tons of water.
Dehydrationcan make you even more tired, so Faletra recommends drinking two to threeliters of water over the course of the day. Take a silicone water bottle with you, andsupplement water when you are tired.
7. Avoid yourdevices once it gets dark.
Sincegrogginess can make you less productive, you might be tempted to work laterthan usual.
But the lightcoming from your screen could keep you up late too, so force yourself to stoptwo hours before bedtime, says Dr. Goldstein.
8. Drinkcoffee. (Bet you thought we weren’t going to say that!)
Coffee reallydoes help keep you going, says Dr. Goldstein, since it reduces adenosine, aneurotransmitter your brain releases when you’re sleep-deprived. Every morninghaving a cup of coffee is good for your daily work.